I have decided to dub August as our month of fun. Our first round of family has gone home, but the next wave (otherwise known as MawMaw) arrives tomorrow for two weeks! We are super excited around here today! Errands, cleaning, prepping…lots to do and lots of little hands to help!
This weekend is also my cousin Ann’s wedding. Ann and I have been dear friends since childhood. We have spent many, many weekends running around together on my Grandma’s farm. During our teenage years the two of us took many road trips together and loved each other’s company. I can not wait to see her walk down the aisle and am honored to be a bridesmaid (one of nine!) in their wedding. Wedding’s on my Mom’s side of the family are always a blast. That side of the family knows how to have such an incredible time together. It is like spending an evening with 40 of my dearest friends. We are going to dance the night away and I can’t wait!
All else here is going just dandy. We have enjoyed a few days of “just” our family. Bike rides to the ice cream shop, wrestling matches with Daddy on the floor, quiet book time on the couch. It’s been good for all of us to recharge our batteries. Turns out I had strep last week, so it’s nice to be back on my feet after that. It wiped me out big time. I was so thankful for Aunt Mary to be here with us. She was a huge help to me when I couldn’t get out of bed!
Last night I met up with my dear friend Angela at Panera. We have decided to purchase season tickets to a theater group here in our town. We are going to be seeing four productions together over the next nine months, so last night we got together and plotted out our dates. First up is Hairspray in September. Turns out a dear friend of mine from high school is going to be in it! I can not wait!
Next Monday the boy’s preschool teacher is coming to our house for a home visit. Yep, you read that right. The boys are starting preschool! Granted, it will be just two mornings a week for 3 hours each day – so I think this Mommy heart can handle that, but even still – they are going to preschool! They have their back packs, school supplies, and clothes. They are ready to roll and are so excited for this new adventure! The school is just a tiny little private school just minutes from our house. One of their little neighbor friends is also going to be in class with them – so their teacher better be prepared!
I’m looking forward to that one-on-one time with Ms. Adelyn. We have never had that time together so we’ll be able to have a little mother/daughter time every week.
Enough rambling – a few pics and I’m out of here for the day. Lots to do and never enough time to do it!
Here are a few pics showing our adoration of our dear Aunt Mary!