Whenever I have time to blog I decide to do three or four separate entries in the same night. I really need to try and do better about getting a post out every day or two instead of piling them all up and waiting!
It has been a busy month of May here for us so far. The boys both got their first ear infections. :( We also had company for nearly two weeks that just left this past Friday. Uncle David, Ama, Baba, and the boys Great Aunt Barb and Great Uncle Bob all came to the house to visit. The boys also made a trip up to D.C. with us to attend a graduation party for my cousin Jacky. It has been so much fun!
The boys are doing so much these days. I am just in awe over the little boys that they are becoming! They make us laugh and they love that they do! If they get laughs they will keep doing it over and over and over again!
Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks:
Ethan on the left, and Grayson on the right at the March of Dimes walk. We walked starting at the hospital where they were born.
In addition, I have now passed the 23 week mark of my pregnancy. I am past the point where I was put on bed rest with the boys and that is an awesome feeling! So far everything is looking great and they are considering me a "normal" pregnancy! Who would have guessed I could ever have one of those! I am feeling really great and feeling little Lilypie (my MIL's name for her!) move all the time. Well, no, not all the time. Mostly around 10:30 at night when I lay down to sleep!
Chris is finishing up his MBA and will officially be done in early July! After three + years of classes, tests, and late nights, he will be ours again! We are so excited for him to be done and just in time before another little addition enters our midst! I am so proud of him. He has done so well and has learned so much.
I guess that's us right now in a nutshell.
Life is just full (whose isn't?), but it is so good and we are so blessed.
Crazy, but blessed!
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