I called her back, only to have her ask me if I would mind being present for the birth of their second child to capture those incredible moments of firsts in photographs.
I was honored.
I was also so excited! I have never been present for the birth of a child (except my own of course!) and was so elated with the thought of witnessing the birth of this precious little boy in to this amazing family! I must admit I was also very nervous, as even though I have such a passion and love for photography, I truly am such a novice and have a long way to go before I feel completely comfortable behind the lens.
So last Wednesday evening, at about 5 p.m. I got a call from Angela telling me that she was headed home to meet up with her husband Scott and then they'd be headed to the hospital! Chris had a late meeting that evening after work and I knew he wouldn't be home until closer to 7ish, so I told Angela that I could run out the door just as soon as he was home and meet them at the hospital. She told me that once they were settled at the hospital and had a better idea of what was going on they would call me and we could make a final plan for when I should come in. I just told her before hanging up, "Just don't have the baby in the next hour okay?" We both laughed and she reassured me that she didn't think that was going to happen. She said she was still feeling good and the contractions weren't too strong yet at that point.
So...7 p.m. came. And my phone rang. It was Scott. "He's here!" he said. I thought for sure he was joking with me. "What?!!" I asked. Scott told me that he had arrived! Him and Angela had arrived at the hospital at 6:30 and Alexander Scott was born at 7:02 p.m.
I couldn't believe it! (I don't think they could either!)
That little boy was ready for his debut, and he didn't need any camera toting chick to capture the entire thing on film either!
So instead I captured a few pictures (or 287, but who's counting!), a couple hours after his big debut.
Oh those rolls! Love it!
Big Sister Jaelyn adoring her brother Xander.
3 generation picture. (I love this picture, but notice how Scott's Dad is in focus, but Scott is a bit of a blur. I'm thinking this is an f-stop error.?. I had the f-stop set on 1.8, but I think it created too narrow of a depth of field?? It seemed like if I had my f-stop any higher though it was making the pictures really dark. The lighting was tough, so I had to work with what I had!)
Taking it all in. (Love the adoring look from Mom in the background!)
Welcome to the world precious boy!

ooo so awesome! love the pics! You did a great job!!
ReplyDeletecongratulations to a special family