It's the week before Christmas! Can you believe it? I reaaaallly wanted to be completely done with everything Christmas (baking, presents, wrapping) before the first weekend in December - and alas, here it is...December 19th, and while my baking is done and my presents are bought - there are still many, many, many that remain unwrapped. That is my goal for every evening this week!
We are loving having Chris's parents with us. Really loving it. This new home just seems so easy to have company in. I hope they agree! They will be with us for another week and will be with us as we spend Christmas with all of my family this weekend.
Now - back to the birthday boys.
I think the boys had a really special birthday and party. Both days, their actual birthday, and the party, were really nice.
On the morning of their birthday they came downstairs and Chris I greeted them in the kitchen with a happy birthday banner and the birthday song. They rubbed their little eyes as they adjusted to the light and got big ol' grins on their faces.
Showing their 3's!
For breakfast we had pancakes in the shape of a 3, and an orange used as a candle holder.
We then got dressed and headed out to KinderGym, which is offered a few times a week inside of a local gym. We were the only ones there, and the man in charge even blew up a bounce house. It truly felt like the boys own little personal birthday party! We spent about two hours there and had a blast!
After the gym the boys wanted to go to IHOP for lunch. This was my first time taking all three kids to a sit down restaurant by myself, and it went really well! The only problem we encountered was when I realized I had left my wallet in the car. I promised the waitress that I wasn't going to skip out on the bill, but would load my kiddos up and come back in and pay! She let me do it without even having to wash one dish (and I promise I did pay!)
We came home and had naps and then Daddy came home. For dinner we had corn dogs, pears, and cucumbers. The boys choice for their birthday dinner. :) After dinner the boys received their present from us. We gave them a set of Magneatos. I had been hearing a lot about these and they loved them!
Grayson and Ethan
My big boys!
One full (and blessed!) lap
And then the party...
We had their party this past Saturday evening. We had a great turnout and our house was so full of conversation, laughter, food, and noisy kids running around in circles. It was a lot of fun. There is just something about my home being filled with people that I love! Contentment. We really missed some family and friends who live far away and weren't able to make it though.
Here are a few pics...
We had a farm themed party and some of the guests even came dressed the part!
That night when I was tucking the boys in I asked them what their favorite part of their party was. Grayson said that the best part was running with his friends. Ethan said that his favorite part was blowing out his candles.
Happy 3rd Birthday sweet boys!

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