But then days like yesterday happen when my little boys go to the dentist for their very first time.
And I'm the kind of mom that brought her camera.
And I'm the kind of mom that would ask one of the receptionists if she would sneak a few pictures of the boys for me since parents typically aren't allowed behind the scenes.
And I'm the kind of mom who got all emotional while looking at said pictures and had to wipe away tears in the middle of the waiting room because I just couldn't believe how stinkin' big my babies had become!
And I'm the kind of mom who saw my little men through a little open door in the back and whipped out my camera to take a pic of the cuteness oozing from that little dental room.
And I'm the kind of mom who has to explain to the woman sitting next to me after snapping the above picture, giving me all kind of "watch out - crazy lady in our midst" kind of looks, that this is their first time and I just had to have some pictures! She then smiled, after understanding that I indeed was not taking pictures of the receptionists like she originally thought.
The boys did fabulous. I was so proud of them.
They were both called back at the same time. Ethan looked at the hygenist, looked at me, looked at his brother, and said, "Grayson coming too?" Grayson hopped up off the floor where he was playing blocks and said, "Okay!" Off they marched.
The report was great. Their chompers are looking marvelous. The only slight concern at this point is that the dentist was able to determine in five seconds flat that we do indeed have two thumb suckers on our hands (or on their hands if you want to get all technical about it). :) The other day when I talked with the boys about the idea of giving the habit up before too long, they both looked at me with huge open eyes, completely speechless. I guess we'll keep working on that one.
Their sister on the other hand may not ever require a visit to the dentist. At 11 1/2 months old she has yet to get her first tooth. My sweet little gummy girl.

Oh where oh where did our little toddler boys go to? Such emotions you must have felt beth and how proud I am of these too growing yourn men. God has sure blessed this family with these beautiful children.
ReplyDeleteLove BaPa
How precious Beth...they are so sweet and special in so many ways...such big boys. I love how they love being together...feel that safety with their other brother near by even if Mommy couldn't be there with them. Tell them Pop and I are very proud of them!!!!!!!!! And don't worry...little Adie's teeth will be here soon...in the mean time, she is a doll with her little gummy's:)
ReplyDeleteLove, Mawmaw
Way to go, Ethan & Grayson! And Beth, good for you for being that kind of mom...the boys will thank you someday, when they can look back on photos and read memories from their first visit to the dentist. :)
ReplyDeleteI love your new header!!