Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Amazed (Boasting a Wee Bit About My Child Alert!)


I have been truly shocked and amazed by how quickly Grayson has caught on to reading!   We find him reading everything he can get his eyes on: the back of a cereal box, a billboard, people’s shirts, stacks of books… He is hungry and excited at this new skill that lies before him. It has truly opened his world and I love being able to stand on the sidelines and watch my son fall in love with learning. 

To access the following video I think you can hold control and click on the link at the same time. I hope it works.  I taped him the other night before bed reading this book about Biscuit.  We had only read it once together before about a week prior to this.


  1. Oh my stars! This is wonderful! I loved watching this. I just have to ask, are you homeschooling? You certainly did a super job with teaching Grayson reading. He seems like my son. Paul basically taught himself to read with minimal instruction on my part (though I tried to teach him, he just so often already knew all I was trying to teach). He really took off with reading when he was 3 1/2 years old and has never stopped. My daughter, Hannah, has worked very hard to learn to read. I have taught, and taught, and tried various methods and exercises. Finally, just this winter, she took off with reading, and she is turning 5 years old in a few days. Learning to read is definitely not a one-size-fits-all exercise.

    I have to agree with you. There is an unspeakable joy in watching your child learn to read, and then just take off reading.

    I'm so happy for you and Grayson!

    God bless you all!

    1. Thank you Sally for commenting! I would not say that we homeschool officially, but yet since the boys were little we have just had fun learning our letters and their sounds. Perhaps it's the teacher in me. :) I give a lot of the credit to him and his interest in it! It is so much fun though to see them grown and change isn't it? It's also so awesome to see how God created each of our children so differently and how all their lightbulbs turn on at just the perfect time for each of them!


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