As the pictures above show we took one day and went to the Minnesota Children's Museum. It was four floors chalk full of fun. A pretend grocery store, bus, doctor's office, restaurant, and rock video. A room dedicated to having the experience of walking through a children's book, such as "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom", "A Snowy Day" and "The Tale of Peter Rabbit." There was also a room where the kids could see what the world would be like from the view of an ant as they crawled through tunnels. It was a lot of fun.
The nice thing about St. Paul is that much of the city is connected by Skyway, so there is no need to walk outside in the cold. We found a food court near the museum and grabbed some lunch before returning to the museum. We wore the kids out good and had a quiet ride home!
I love days like that. Days where we are all together, as a family, experiencing something new together. I also love to see everyone having such a great time.
My heart was so full that evening as I drifted off to sleep.

We've never taken the kids to that Children's museum but it sounds like a blast! Fun to see all your photos from your time there!