Let's just say we've hit a wild patch here lately. I seriously have no idea where the hours of the day go in our home. It is like we experience some sort of time warp and before my day even begins I feel like it is ending. I don't like it one bit. I am fighting against it and trying to find ways to combat it, short of shipping my kids off to winter camp (a.k.a. Ama and Bapa's), to find me a few minutes of solace in which I can even contemplate what I may possibly do with a few spare minutes of quiet for myself.
But in the same breath I am trying to soak in the complete chaos of it all. Just a few minutes ago one of my sons called to me from upstairs, "Mommy! I just had an accident!" I walked up the stairs to discover that indeed the stomach bug may have just hit my child and deposited itself all over our hallway rug and carpet. Lovely. What do you do in moments like that? I deposited said child in the bathtub and went to work cleaning. Not to mention that yesterday at the park my other son came running up to me and said, "Mommy, I have to go poop!" I said, "Okay! We'll find a bathroom!" "Too late Mommy!" he said. Lovely round two.
You do what you got to do though eh? You push through. You smile. You resist the urge to put your shirt over your nose. You tell your child that it was just an accident. You're not upset at them at all, but that these things happen. You internally shudder and try so hard to stifle your gag reflex and somehow you do it. I guess it's just a Mom thing.
Oh yeah....wasn't this supposed to be a Christmas post...
I digress...
Fa La La
We celbrated Christmas here with Chris's parents on Friday, December 23. We had a nice breakfast together, read the Christmas story, and then exchaned gifts with them. It was a nice quiet day spent together here at home.
Adelyn got a new baby doll, cradle, and high chair. A tad excited wouldn't you say?
We then headed to my brother Mike's house the following morning. Mike and Hayley decided not to travel to my parents house this Christmas due to Gabrielle being so tiny and not wanting to take her that far quite yet. We completely understood their decision, but still wanted to celebrate Christmas together. Another party? Ahh shucks.
We had a Christmas brunch with different breakfast dishes and fruit, along with some mimosas.
Hayley and her Mother also introduced a fun South African tradition called Crackers. It is a cardboard tube with some type of card strip inside wrapped in wrapping paper. Two people pull it on opposite ends and the tube splits apart, with a loud pop. Whoever has the longest piece is the winner of the prize inside, just some little type of trinket. There is also a colored crown inside that then must be worn. It was a blast!
We also always do the Dirty Santa gift exchange with my family each year. We spend about 10-15 bucks on something. You just never know what you're going to end up with. That crazy clown in the picture is what Michael got from Chris. He was pretty excited about it!
Next up - Christmas at the farm!

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