Isn't that true for all of us?
I cross one thing off and add five more things to it.
I wake up in the morning with thoughts of what I need to accomplish today.
Sometimes I even find myself getting frustrated at my children because they get in the way of me accomplishing my tasks.
This morning, as I sat down to check email before beginning my day, I was already feeling convicted of my hurried attitude...always rushing from one task to the next...and I came across a friend's blog and a devotion that were perfect for me today.
Around 8, when all the kids are tucked in to bed for the night, I often find myself looking back over my day...and reflecting on what my attitude was like.
What example did my children see?
How did they feel throughout this day?
Or did they see me sighing in frustration.
Saying "no" to them five hundred times.
Always rushing here and there to start a load of laundry, make the next meal, wash the sink full of dishes instead of sitting down with them.
Sometimes I am so overwhelmed because I want to do it ALL. I want to have a clean home, clean, folded laundry that is put back in it's drawers, clean children, happy children...the list can go on and on and on...
I am still working on finding that balance of not missing out on the sweetness of the every day, while at the same time getting done what I need to.
I am recognizing the fact that I just need to stop.and.breathe. more often.
To take that extra five seconds to scoop up a child in my arms, kiss them on the cheek, and tell them how loved they are.
To not just feed Adelyn and lay her down on a blanket, but to take the time after she is finished to just hold her, let her play with my face, or blow raspberries on her tummy.
To truly listen to the heart's of my children. What do they need from me today?
To call up a friend just to talk and laugh.
To schedule a spa date with a dear friend before I move (can't wait!).
To take a few minutes for myself to recharge and feel energized again whether it be through exercise, a bubble bath, or a good book and a cup of something hot!
To spend time focusing on My Creator, the true love of my life, and what HE wants and has for me.
I just don't want life to pass me by in a blur.
To pass me by so quickly where one day I will look back and ask myself where it all went, what did I accomplish, what mark have I left behind?
I don't have all the answers.
I am constantly learning.
But at least I am aware of it. I don't ever want to lose sight of what is really important.
I truly, truly, truly need prayer for patience, love, and kindness along with so many other things....
A work in progress...that is who I am.

Beth, you have an exquisite way of taking words and making other see and even feel...
ReplyDeleteYou are a wonderful mother and believe me when I say, that one day you will look back and wonder where the time went. You are a work in progress...God is busy in your life every day and I am sure He is smiling at his child of God and thinking how human and amazing and faithful you are. Prayers for you every day of my life as I know that motherhood is a challenge, but one you were born to enjoy.
Love, Mom H.
You are a work in progress and one who is beautiful, one who God is well pleased with. He knew what He was doing when He placed these 3 precious children under your care!!! You are beautiful inside and outside. I love the way you express yourself!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I feel your pain! How does the time really go by as fast as it does? How do all those dishes get dirty so quickly? How do we balance being a homemaker and keeping our house to the glory of God while being a Mom entrusted with the hearts, lives, and spirits of precious little children? I struggle with it every day. In a book/Bible Study I'm doing at church with other moms, I read that God gives us all the time and resources we need to accomplish HIS to-list for each day. I can accomplish everything on His to do list for me.....but I've gotta find out what's on that list!