We made it all the way through story time and then Ethan had to go again. And he did! Then we washed hands and walked out. As soon as we walked out Grayson announced that he had to go too. So we went back in. And then he did. :)
We spent a lot more time in the bathroom than actually looking at books yesterday - but the plus side is that we left there with dry pants so everyone was happy! The boys were obsessed with all the new things in the bathroom. The light, the button to flush the toilet, the automatic sinks, the hand dryer. So much fun! Adelyn just sat in her stroller taking lessons and soaking it all in.
On a bit of a different note, but yet somewhat still tied together, I have been feeling extremely meloncholy the past couple of days. Perhaps it's the fact that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. (What is it about this month that makes us actually slow down and count our blessings? I need to carry this attitude with me more often). Whatever is causing it, I have just been a mess of emotions lately.
I was instructed a couple of days ago by a mother of grown children to suck every minute out of every day while my children are in this stage of life. To take a minute and sear in to my brain the feeling of having Adelyn in my arms, her head on my shoulder. To relish in the fact that my sons still say, "Mommy, hold me" and crawl up in my lap. To love the insanity of having three young children constantly in my care all day long. Oh how I will long for these days when they are gone. I can just tell and just know that I am living my glory years right now. Not that I won't love every stage of mothering these children, I know I will, but yet there is something so special and so magical about this time. Where their Daddy and I are their protectors, their comforters, their cuddlers, their security. Where evenings are spent together at home because there is no where else that they have to be. No school events, no friends homes, no sporting events...just home, rolling around on the carpet, building fortresses out of legos, rocking a baby doll to sleep, drinking apple pie out of a plastic kiddie cup. (Not to mention the fact that right now in my life all four of our parents are in great health and here with us. This too has been really hitting me lately. I don't want to take their presence in our lives for granted. What a blessing it is to have such incredible parents in our life!)

Love this post!! My favorite part..."Where their Daddy and I are their protectors, their comforters, their cuddlers, their security. Where evenings are spent together at home because there is no where else that they have to be."
ReplyDeleteYou are so right...we will wish for these days back! Thanks for the reminder!