Chris woke up at 5:30 and I decided to go ahead and get up with him. Now it's 10:00 and I'm exhausted and ready for a nap!
No nap right now for me though as I have accepted the help of my amazing mother-in-law and father-in-law today so that I can finally finish tackling this meal planning project. I now 8 weeks of meals planned and need to finish up the grocery lists to accompany them. We have been using them for a few weeks now and I am loving it! It has helped us a lot to know what to pull out of the freezer a couple days in advance, what produce we need to buy, etc.
The Internet is such an amazing tool when trying to tackle projects like this. There are so many amazing blogs out there chalk full of recipes that I am dying to try!
Thanks to all of you who sent me links, emails, and recipes to help fill my menu up. Yum!
In other news...
Life is good...just full!
The boys are doing great. Changing every day it seems. Their personalities are really starting to develop and they are alike in many ways, but in other ways they are different as night and day! We are really working with them on their sharing! Grayson has a tendency to take things away from his brother whenever the desire arises. Ethan doesn't put up a fight usually, but just walks away and finds something else!
So far they are staying put in their cribs. The other day we put Ethan in his and he kept saying "Down, down, down" and trying to lift his little feet up and over the side of his crib!
In baby news the Dr. thinks that our little girl is probably at least 7 1/2 pounds if she makes it til the 2nd we will have close to a 9 pounder on our hands possibly! My goodness she will feel big in my arms compared to those little 5 pound boys I gave birth to! We are so thankful for a big ole chunky baby!
Time to get to it!

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