We are in a constant state of motion - moment after moment after moment.
Some moments frustrate us.
Some moments are barely even noticed when they are done in routine.
Some moments make us sad.
Some moments make us laugh.
Some moments make us smile.
Some moments make us roll our eyes and sigh (who me? never).
Some moments make us thrilled to just be alive to experience that second in time.
A few of those moments for me today...
Tonight as I was singing to Adelyn in the pitch dark before bed I felt this little tiny mouth on mine. She was giving me kisses, and then she giggled. Melted my ever loving heart.
I must also mention that I am slowly in the process of weaning little Ms. A. from nursing. This has been a very tough thing for me emotionally because it is just another sign that my baby is growing up! Sniff sniff. I must thank my dear gal Kristy for advising me to wean slowly and not be in any big rush. I love her for giving me the encouragement to be free from feeling like it has to happen now...so in the meantime we will continue to enjoy our nighttime nursing sessions for as long as possible. I intend to stop before kindergarten, but no promises. :)
Another moment, although I can barely keep my eyes open this evening because of it, was the night I spent with Grayson in the recliner last night. I think I saw all but one hour of the night, but it was an awesome time having that 40 pound little boy stretched out all across my lap in his dinosaur pajamas. He had a persistent cough that was making it difficult to lay down and sleep, so the recliner it was. He moved and squirmed all night long. He also talked in his sleep, at one point in the night saying, "Amen!"
I may have mentioned this in a previous post, but I love right now how Grayson is always saying "Hi Mommy" out of the blue. He also all the time now is asking what everyone around him is saying. He wants to be in the know!
I love having my mother-in-law here helping us out. She has been a huge blessing to our family and it will be hard to see her go come next weekend.
Celebrating the life of my nephew Micah tonight at his first birthday party and getting teary while singing to him with the realization that we are able to be there in person to celebrate with him!
One more moment I don't want to forget is the smell of the freshly shampooed heads of my children. I hope I can always remember it.

So sweet Beth! And, no hurry weaning! :) I'm still nursing Scarlett and she's 20 months. But it's down to just a few times a day! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the encouragement Em. I have no intentions of stopping our night time feeding anytime soon! Love, love, love it!